Wednesday, April 29, 2015


What is fear you might ask? I have no idea what fear it is and I can honestly not think go anything that truly scares me, I’m not afraid of snakes, spiders,hieghts, etc. The main thing is that everyone is scared of something and I just haven’t found what mine is yet. Why would anyone be scared of death because it is the end game regardless of it all, regardless of how you live and what you do. The only difference Is that how are you going to die. If you live life dangerously youll die in dangerous way such as a car crash or explosion, if you live life slowly and safely youll die at an old age in your sleep hopefully. So why be scared of something you know is going to happen. Fear is used in the everyday life of people, fear can be used as a way to influence people to support you, help you or do what you want them to do. Fear is considered a nesscary evil in my mind because without fear then everyone would be doing what they want. Its evil in the way that it keeps people at bay from doing something that could harm themselves or others. Fear is used by countries against other countries, it can be uitilized as a weapon of war. If you are thinking of fighting or are activily fighting an enemy and they drop 500lb expolsives on your building or in the area around you, when that thing goes off, you get scared of where the next one maybe. When you hear the snap of a round flying over the top of your head, you fear that the next one could be right on target. When I was younger Ive had a few experinces with fear, I was fearful of when tornado’s would touchdown close to the house and start to feel the house shake, I was fearful of the car accidents that family got into. But I as experienced more and more things, my fear of the unkown and what was happening around me started to thin out. Because without the fear of the unknown then how is life supposed to be interesting. I am about to condricated my self here, I said in the beginning that I had no idea what fear was, that was a lie.





Because with the fear of the unknown the how is life supposed to be interesting….When fear is present it normally goes to a scared area, what im about to say will make you think of the fear differently. For instance fear can not only stop you from doing something but it can push you to get that thing over with, it can be the reason you start something for fear that you might let someone down. Fear can be the worst thing for you or the best it just depends on how you look at it. The fear of my unknown future is what caused me to join the military and now go to college. The fear of the unknown is what has me pursuing a better job oppuritnity for me. The fear of the unknown is what is pushing me to do the best that I can at everything I do, its what makes me want to better myself as person, friend, employee, veteran and student. Fear is not always a bad thing it just got stuck with connection to scared or frightened. The more you think about it though does the fear of not being able to pay your bills make you work harder? Does the fear of being stuck at a fast food job not make you go to school? Does the fear of not being who you wanted yourself to be not make you work to better yourself? These are the things I think about, because if you focus on the bad in life and everything then you will be miserable but if you look past the bad and focus on the good, well then my friend you have found the way to keep a true smile on your face all the time. Fear is not evil all the time we just focus on its evil side more and that is the flaw, not enough crictical thinking in the youth of today. The funny thing about it all is that it’s not their fault it the fault of the media using the fear of a terroist attack, the fear of bullies, and the fear of the public. Causeing most of us to not questions the media.


When fear is present it normally goes to a scared area due to the fact that is how we were rasied to think of it. When younger we are told to not be afraid of the dark, or there is nothing to fear when faced with something that scared the living crap out of us. Fear is then kept in our mind as a word used for scared or anything bad essentially. Expalin how fear normally goes to a bad area is easy because it starts with our parents, the foundation sort of say, then at school and friends or the walls and roof. That is how it built to be compared to scared. Then we just keep putting everything that scares us into that house making our own little haunted house in our head. Everything starts when we are little all of our fears start to form basied off the people around us and how they react. At a young age humans much like dogs pick up on the habits of our elders and what we see happening around us. So that also has a lot to do with how fear is seen because if you see your parents acting scared and freaking out, they tell you that they feared something you put that in the house and it’s the frist to come to the dear when you walk down the fear road. No in my case neither one of parents ever acted scared about anything when I was younger, that is until I started breaking bones. So I believe that is why I can look past the scared part of fear more easily and focus on the good parts. I wasn’t exposed to high amounts of fear as a child so therefore my take on it isn’t all bad.

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