Friday, May 1, 2015

  • Which in class writing was your favorite? Why?

  •          My favorite thing about class writing is that the topic's were random even though it was rough for me to start, it was good that the things were completely off the wall topics or words that test your ability to think on the fly and go with the flow. Once I started though I just kept going and it all started to mesh together and that makes me happy because I enjoy writing from time to time.

  • Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why?

  •          My least favorite thing about class writing was the time limits mainly because I didn't get to fully go on with what I was writing once I got going. It takes me awhile to get writing about a topic but once I start, its hard to stop in mid thought so that I think was my least favorite part.

  • Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why?

  •      The " This I believe Essay" Is the most important to me because that is a huge part of my life and its a side that most college students don't really get to experience because they go straight to college. I enjoy sharing and talking about all those things I had the ability to experience. Its the ability to actually change someone's life or point of view with my writing that makes this the most important to me.

  • If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why?

  •     I would try and change it so I didn't try to turn everything into a funny story, maybe explore a more serious side of things. Everything I wrote made people laugh it felt as though it took away from my creditability and everything. Although I enjoy making people laugh its not always about happiness.

  • What did you like best about this course?

  •           My favorite thing in writing class was writing the big story because I feel as though I don't write well in a short period of time also the people watching activity was pretty fun it made me actually think and work on rearranging words.

  • What did you like least about this course?

  •        My least favorite thing about this course was the free writes because I didn't have to actually think about what I wanted to write. I like to write about stuff that relates to me and given a topic at random makes it hard because I'm trying to focus on writing and not thinking it through.

  • What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over?

  •      Taken my own work more seriously is what I would do-over, yes I did it all and had fun while doing it but sometimes it needs to be serious and focus on that. Instead of joking around constantly I should have been quiet and focused.

  • What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester?

  •        I learned that I enjoy writing a lot more than I thought and that it was fun. I learned that I think about of military or law enforcement stuff still and I need to work on not doing so because I am no longer in the military. As for my writing I learned that its either really funny or super dark. there is no in between.

  • What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course?

  •       Honestly I feel as though the course was good and well laid out. I do however wish we would have talked about the book more. I was looking forward to writing about it more or having a class discussion on the book more in depth than what we did.


    Wednesday, April 29, 2015

    The Goal in life is not to arrive at the grave in a well preserved body, but to go sliding in sideways. The reason for this belief is because if you live life to careful are you truly enjoying yourself? If you constantly do the same thing over and over again it because repetitive and boring. So try new things and live life to the fullest that is the meaning behind the expression. Go sliding in sideways saying holy crap what a ride, drive fast and take chances. Enjoy yourself in this life and make it the best time ever because you eventually will not be able to do all the things you want to. I personnel and living my life to the fullest by doing everything I want to do and make it the best time of my life. Each day is a new experience, a new memory and a new day. Everyone talks about being another cog in the machine of America but this expression tells you to be the squeaky cog, do your part but have fun with it. You don’t have to constantly be working everyone gets at least one day off, enjoy it and make it fun.

    Out of the many lessons I have learned the most prompt one that I enjoyed learning is to metaphorically “Drive Fast and Take Chances.” Famous words in my life spoken by one person who I respect the most and have since the day I had the pleasure of working for them and that would be Sgt. Kromm USMC Military Police. When I arrived in japan he was the first person I met and he instantly took me under his wing and started teaching me. There is a time to live safe and secure but there is also a time to throw caution to the wind. He first started me on this lesson while we were working one night and received a 911 call involving two unknown individuals who had been fighting and drinking heavily on the beach. We show up on scene and one took off in the water. While I cuffed the other, I heard “Drive Fast and take chances.” Upon looking over at Sgt. Kromm he had dropped his black gear and was sprinting toward the water. All he took were his cuffs, he swam after the guy caught him and escorted him back to shore.

    Where to begin, stress although she put the idea of stress being good for you which I’m sure it can be. It would be hard to look at it differently for a lot of people because we are basically wired at birth to perceive it as a bad thing. Whenever something is going wrong or we are not happy with the situation we are in what do we do, we over think it, over react and make rash choices. Then we call that stress.  The main in which we deal with stress is different because no one is the same and therefore it makes our habits different. I for example deal with stress by driving to the middle of nowhere and sitting on the roof of my jeep, staring at the sky and analyzing it all. 

    I have a conflict with my brother because he tries to control me to an extent and its getting annoying. He acts like my father sometimes and is constantly asking me where I’m going, when I’m coming home and who I’m with. I mean we both are 23 years old and are roommates there is no need for him to constantly have to know about my life. If I wanted to live with my father I would have moved in with him after I got out but I didn’t and now there are days that I wish I had



    3rd party

    They act like they are still in high school and I feel as though the roommate thinks he has to be the center of attn. Which cause Tylor to make hasty choices and mess up a lot of things that could be good for him. The fact that he stills tries to make the roommate happy is stupid because how is anyone to become a part of his life with that going on. Yes they have been friends for years but it’s not healthy for Tylor to put himself through that.


    What is fear you might ask? I have no idea what fear it is and I can honestly not think go anything that truly scares me, I’m not afraid of snakes, spiders,hieghts, etc. The main thing is that everyone is scared of something and I just haven’t found what mine is yet. Why would anyone be scared of death because it is the end game regardless of it all, regardless of how you live and what you do. The only difference Is that how are you going to die. If you live life dangerously youll die in dangerous way such as a car crash or explosion, if you live life slowly and safely youll die at an old age in your sleep hopefully. So why be scared of something you know is going to happen. Fear is used in the everyday life of people, fear can be used as a way to influence people to support you, help you or do what you want them to do. Fear is considered a nesscary evil in my mind because without fear then everyone would be doing what they want. Its evil in the way that it keeps people at bay from doing something that could harm themselves or others. Fear is used by countries against other countries, it can be uitilized as a weapon of war. If you are thinking of fighting or are activily fighting an enemy and they drop 500lb expolsives on your building or in the area around you, when that thing goes off, you get scared of where the next one maybe. When you hear the snap of a round flying over the top of your head, you fear that the next one could be right on target. When I was younger Ive had a few experinces with fear, I was fearful of when tornado’s would touchdown close to the house and start to feel the house shake, I was fearful of the car accidents that family got into. But I as experienced more and more things, my fear of the unkown and what was happening around me started to thin out. Because without the fear of the unknown then how is life supposed to be interesting. I am about to condricated my self here, I said in the beginning that I had no idea what fear was, that was a lie.





    Because with the fear of the unknown the how is life supposed to be interesting….When fear is present it normally goes to a scared area, what im about to say will make you think of the fear differently. For instance fear can not only stop you from doing something but it can push you to get that thing over with, it can be the reason you start something for fear that you might let someone down. Fear can be the worst thing for you or the best it just depends on how you look at it. The fear of my unknown future is what caused me to join the military and now go to college. The fear of the unknown is what has me pursuing a better job oppuritnity for me. The fear of the unknown is what is pushing me to do the best that I can at everything I do, its what makes me want to better myself as person, friend, employee, veteran and student. Fear is not always a bad thing it just got stuck with connection to scared or frightened. The more you think about it though does the fear of not being able to pay your bills make you work harder? Does the fear of being stuck at a fast food job not make you go to school? Does the fear of not being who you wanted yourself to be not make you work to better yourself? These are the things I think about, because if you focus on the bad in life and everything then you will be miserable but if you look past the bad and focus on the good, well then my friend you have found the way to keep a true smile on your face all the time. Fear is not evil all the time we just focus on its evil side more and that is the flaw, not enough crictical thinking in the youth of today. The funny thing about it all is that it’s not their fault it the fault of the media using the fear of a terroist attack, the fear of bullies, and the fear of the public. Causeing most of us to not questions the media.


    When fear is present it normally goes to a scared area due to the fact that is how we were rasied to think of it. When younger we are told to not be afraid of the dark, or there is nothing to fear when faced with something that scared the living crap out of us. Fear is then kept in our mind as a word used for scared or anything bad essentially. Expalin how fear normally goes to a bad area is easy because it starts with our parents, the foundation sort of say, then at school and friends or the walls and roof. That is how it built to be compared to scared. Then we just keep putting everything that scares us into that house making our own little haunted house in our head. Everything starts when we are little all of our fears start to form basied off the people around us and how they react. At a young age humans much like dogs pick up on the habits of our elders and what we see happening around us. So that also has a lot to do with how fear is seen because if you see your parents acting scared and freaking out, they tell you that they feared something you put that in the house and it’s the frist to come to the dear when you walk down the fear road. No in my case neither one of parents ever acted scared about anything when I was younger, that is until I started breaking bones. So I believe that is why I can look past the scared part of fear more easily and focus on the good parts. I wasn’t exposed to high amounts of fear as a child so therefore my take on it isn’t all bad.

    What If.

    WHAT IF…..


    We removed the warning labels

    Time travel was possible

    If I had a million dollars

    If college was free

    Cars could fly

    There was no crime

    If people could fly

    The U.N instated a World Police Force.

    Cell phones didn’t exist

    Everyone lived off the land

    Relationships were still arranged

    Jfk wasn’t shot

    Lincoln wasn’t shot

    Nixon wasn’t impeached

    We lost World War 1 and 2



    What if the United Nations were to setup a World Police Force for use during major incidents and during the “fog of war”. The World Police Force could be used as a force in which the UN would send in to an area that is preparing for war to settle both sides down. It could be used as force to protect the UN countries. The only problem with this what if is that every nation in the UN would have to help support the Force by sending people and that would in turn take away from the military uiltamtly combining all military’s in to one big uniformed Military giving the UN an unessceary amount of power and could possibly lead to the UN trying to control the world, being the central government and the main power although that may sound like it would end wars, there is no way that would happen. Instead it would send us into another world war causing chaos. The idea behind the UN world Police force should mainly be a uniformed service made up of men and women for countries in the UN that fight operate to fully eradicate a shared problem within the UN all while not having to utilize the Military of the nations to fight homeland battles. The military would stay as a force to fight the main battles in the areas needed while the Police Force fights internally of the nations. Essentially it would be like the CIA, FBI, or MI6 but it would be under one control of the nations. That would allow for access to more information about what may or may not be taking place and could speed the process up to finding the homeland threat and eliminating it in a timely manner. It could possibly turn the society we live in, into an active responder than a reactive responder.



    What if I had a million dollars, well if I had a million dollars the first thing I would buy would be about 250 acres of land in Oklahoma where my family grew up. Then I would fix the house that sits on the land which my great grandpa built with his bare hands. I would buy equipment to run the land and have a steady source of income after the million is used effectively. I would pay off my Jeep and have some modifications added to it, I would buy a couple four wheelers, a small fishing boat. After I cleared all the debt and everything is paid off I would take half of what was left and invest it across the board while putting the other half in a savings for when I have kids or if needed in a bad situation.


    What if time travel was possible? The question of the ages, some say it is possible but has yet to fully functional. I know that if time travel was possibly and available to the public I would be going to the fun stuff in history, the battle of thermopile, the building of the great wall of china, the Apollo landing, the Gettysburg address, D-Day, VE- Day, then I would go to family history, my great grandpa when he first got the land, help him build the house, Max schmelings boxing days. If time travel were possible do you thing the government would regulate it? Would create a whole new dept. to police it. Would they send teams back in time to change history in their favor? Or would they jump to the future and try to mess with it somehow. Who knows time travel could be a very deadly thing when put in the hands of the wrong people. I would use it for fun and man would I be arrested if there was a time travel police force. How would they charge people for the use of time travel, what laws would they write? Can only use it once a day? Or so many times a month. How about you cannot travel to this or that time period.

    Story #2

    Tylor Loman

    My love for cliff diving and the adrenaline rush fully came into effect when I was 9 years old after breaking my first bone. But it really showed itself when I was 11 years old, in Canada with the boy scouts on a two week trip canoeing threw the great lakes. It was a cold morning on the water and we had been paddling around for about 3 hours or so and the sun was starting to heat everything up so we decided to rest on island and eat some food. While everyone was eating I decided it would be fun to walk around and see what the island had to offer, then I found it the cliff that I wanted to jump off of into the water it soared about 60 feet above the water and man was the view amazing. I went back to the group and told them what I had found and what my plan was, to my surprise everyone was on board so two adults went into the water in their canoe and measured the approximate depth of the water where I was to land. It measured to be approximately 20 feet deep. As the other boys and I lined up to jump the adults would count for the jumper because everyone was nervous. I was the first in line, the rule was to jump on three so I listened, however as soon as I heard one, I leapt from the top and hit the water.  I came up from under the water cheering and shouting at how amazing it felt to do so. I continued doing this for about an hour before we decided to move on and make it to our destination. After that experience I always look for a place to cliff dive or rock climb everywhere I go, so when the Marine Corps said you’re going to japan I knew it was going to be a fun time. I landed on the island of Okinawa Japan in March of 2011 and that is the day the search began to find every cliff I could jump off of and every rock face I could climb. In all I found 6 cliffs that were safe enough to jump off of in the water below but high enough to release those endorphins, along with countless rock faces that we would climb up and down. The best cliff in japan to jump off of stood 105 ft. high and landed in a 50 ft. deep pool of water.



    I landed on the island of Okinawa, japan in March of 2011 and that is the day the search began…. As I started looking for every cliff that I could jump off of and get that adrenaline rush  that would keep my body going and make me happy while fulfilling my dream of jumping off of something everywhere I visited. The only reason I want to travel is to jump off of buildings and chase the next high while visiting places that I have always wanted to see. Arizona was the next big place for me to jump off of high places and into water small bodies of water  until I got the opportunity to jump out of airplanes into water Therese the part about planes it’s not relegate. Arizona had some of the most amazing views and cliffs to jump off of, my buddies that were K9 handlers with me in the marine corps knew some good place that we would take out a boat or some kayaks and on the lakes, we would go down some canals and find little areas to jump off of averaging about 30 feet a cliff in to 10 ft. deep water. When we went back far enough one day we found a chain of cliffs that continued to get more and more deadly as we went along because even as the cliffs got higher the water stayed at the same level of about 30 feet deep deep. If estimated the highest point in which we decided that injury was more likely than fun was about 100 ft. high because let’s face it if you get injured doing that the Military is going to be mad at you.  My plans to travel the country and the world are still in the works but I will continue to jump off cliffs and rock climb, but until that happens I will just jump out of airplanes and find other adrenaline rushes. Many i am really running out of ideas to type and its killing me I’m just acting like that I’m not stopping because this is helping me